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Legal notice Access to the pages of the Voilàp website implies that the user accepts the terms and conditions set out below. Users who do not wish to accept all or part of those terms and conditions are kindly requested not to access the site or view its contents. COPYRIGHT © 2005-2009 - Voilàp S.p.a. The documentation, texts, images, logos and everything else published and reproduced on this site is owned by Voilàp S.p.a. and/or licensed to it by other companies in the Voilàp and/or by third parties. All the content published on this site is protected by legislation governing copyright, patents and trademarks. Total or partial reproduction thereof in any form is prohibited.
Voilàp S.p.a. does not accept any liability for the content published on this site or the use made of it by third parties, or for any contamination deriving from access to, interconnection with or downloading of material and programs from
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