net zero carbon transition

Voilàp Carbon Neutrality journey transitioning towards renewable energy sources, scaling up energy efficiency schemes, decarbonizing the operations
progress vs baseline 2021
4.236 Tons CO2eq (market-based) - Our impact on the planet in terms of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions
67% of renewable sources on total energy consumptions
our initiatives

photovoltaic panels
The group is carrying on a massive program for the installation of photovoltaic panels in its plants to reduce emissions, dependency on external energy sources and operating costs. In particular, in 2023 photovoltaic panels have been installed on Limidi’s plant for a total nominal power of 1.5 MW, reaching a covered area of +8,000 square metres.
for the Limidi's plant

certified green energy option
Starting from April 2024, all energy purchased from third parties by Voilàp’s production facilities in Europe come from 100% renewable sources with Certificates of Origin, supporting EKOenergy Certified Climate Projects all over the world. Next step: become a Zero Scope 2 emissions’ Company progressively switching also worldwide commercial Hubs.

domotics & bms
Voilàp is investing a significant number of resources to develop a shared BMS system (“Building Management System”), enabling real-time monitoring of its facilities and processes (energy, gas consumption, HVAC machinery and equipment energy saving, etc.), enabling a data driven decision making, starting from the Headquarter in Limidi and progressively involving other facilities and operations in the Group.

sustainable finance
Voilàp successfully signed two loans within “SRI” category:
‣ Green Bond in the first quarter of 2023, to fund the facilities and plants roofs’ insulation project of Limidi’s facilities, in order to reduce heat transfer and preserve energy, with directs environmental positive impacts;
‣ Sustainability Linked-Bond in May 2024, funding the full renovation of indoor climate optimization system and domotics to improve energy efficiency and increase well-being and safety of our people.
The credit line is aligned with the commitment of our group against climate change, with a variable margin based on the achievement of our sustainability targets.
to our sustainability targets